RAS Congress

RAS Congress

Robotics and Automation Society Chapter, IEEE Student Branch at Quantum School of Technology, Roorkee has organized a two days IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Congress during 21st and 22nd September 2018. This congress was organized for the first time in India sponsored by IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, USA. This congress was having different sessions including keynote addresses, presentation and discussion sessions. The various keynote addresses covered the different aspects such as the application of AI / ML in industry cases, mobile robotics in real life, robotics in the era of AI revolution and the fourth industrial generation i.e. industry 4.0. during the presentation sessions, the participants have presented their views on the societal impacts of robotics, automation and allied fields. During the discussion sessions the participants had a very enlightened and impactful discussion on various themes such as Would Robots Replace Humans? Artificial Intelligence – A threat or Boon to the Society? Artificial Intelligence – Creating Unemployment? And Self – Driving cars – safe or threat?