IEEE Student Branch at Quantum School of Technology, Roorkee has organized a two days Technology Enhancement Programme on Robotics (TEP – R) as its third event during 13th and 14th November 2017. The inauguration of the TEP – R was done by Dr. Gulshan Chauhan (Director, Quantum School of Technology, Roorkee), Er. M. S. Gupta (Dean Academics, Quantum School of Technology, Roorkee), Mr. Raunak Gupta (Branch Counselor, IEEE Student Branch), Mr. Mohd. Furqan Khan (Manager, KVCH, Noida) and Mr. Uma Shanker Yadav (Sr. Research Engineer, KVCH, Noida). Mr. Uma Shankar Yadav, Sr. Research Engineer from KVCH Noida told the participants about the components being used in making the robot. Students learned the robotics through the hands on practical session during TEP – R. They worked on various algorithms like Line Follower Robot, Edge Follower Robot etc. during TEP – R. During the last session of the TEP – R, A quiz was held to assess the knowledge of the participants and top 6 participants were given the Certificate of Merit. There were total 31 registered participants for the TEP – R.